Running and developing an online store is a team game. The team includes you, your employees and the e-commerce agency you work with. The question is, are you really in the same team? In our test you can check how your cooperation with an e-commerce agency is going. You will also get an answer to the question: is it worth to continue playing with the same team or is it better to find a new, better player to replace the current agency.
Take the test and find out if your
e-commerce agency is doing a good job
How often does the e-commerce agency contact you to discuss ongoing projects?
- (5 points) I have a good contact with Project Manager. We keep in touch by email and phone. Additionally, we have regular weekly status meetings where we discuss project issues.
- (3 points) Our contact is normal – we exchange emails, set up phone calls or instant video meetings when necessary. Sometimes I have to wait longer for a response, but I always get one.
- (1 point) Project Manager does not answer my phone calls and responds to emails with a long delay or not at all. Basically, I have to ask for any contact from the agency.
Does the e-commerce agency send progress reports on time?
- (5 points) I receive the reports as agreed. They are thoroughly prepared and have all the information I am interested in.
- (3 points) There are some delays in sending reports. The reports could be more accurate.
- (1 point) The agency does not send me any reports. I have to ask for project reports on my own.
Does the agency often exceed set deadlines on tasks?
- (5 points) If a deadline is missed it happens very rarely. Before any such situation, the Project Manager contacts me and informs me about the reasons for the delay.
- (3 points) Delays do happen, sometimes the agency doesn’t let me know until after the deadline has been exceeded.
- (1 point) Almost every task assigned to the agency has not been completed on time. Deadline extensions are a constant practice and I usually have to ask for new deadlines myself.
How quickly does the agency fix the bugs you report?
(according to SLA, slower, any delays?)
- (5 points) The agency acts in accordance with the SLA statements and does not exceed deadlines.
- (3 points) There are times when the deadlines written in the SLA are exceeded.
- (1 point) Both response time to tickets and time to fix bugs are regularly exceeded.
Has the agency provided you with tools to report problems with your store?
- (5 points) Yes, right at the beginning of our cooperation I was introduced to the appropriate tool. With its help I report bugs and corrections directly to service technicians. I can also check the status of my requests on an ongoing basis.
- (3 points) The agency does not have a dedicated tool, so I report all the bugs to the Project Manager, and he passes the topic on to the appropriate people. He also keeps me updated on the status of my reports.
- (1 point) The agency does not have a dedicated tool. I have to report problems with the store to the company’s mailing address, and I don’t have access to the statuses of my requests.
How does the agency contact you when there are delays in tasks?
- (5 points) When there is a risk of exceeding the task deadline, Project Manager contacts me in advance and warns about such a situation giving reasons and possible solutions.
- (3 points) The Project Manager contacts me often on the day of the task deadline informing me that the time must be extended.
- (1 point) I have no contact from the agency and as the task deadline comes, I have to inquire on my own about its status and possible delay.
Does the agency come up with its own ideas for developing your store?
- (5 points) Yes, the Project Manager has ideas and solutions that are presented to me during our statuses.
- (3 points) My e-commerce agency doesn’t come up with its own ideas, but gives feedback on my suggestions and, for example, provide other solutions.
- (1 point) The e-commerce agency takes on the task and performs it according to my specifications.
Can you count on your e-commerce agency to support you in developing a growth strategy?
- (5 points) Yes, I am in regular contact with the agency and get practical help from them in terms of strategy building.
- (3 points) My e-commerce agency is able to help me when it comes to developing a growth strategy, but they only do it at my explicit request.
- (1 point) Cooperation with the agency is limited only to commissioning tasks and billing for their performance.
Does your e-commerce agency provide comprehensive e-commerce services, or do you need to look outside for some solutions?
- (5 points) The e-commerce agency that I work with has a comprehensive range of services for my store. Thanks to this, everything related to technological development is provided in one place.
- (3 points) The e-commerce agency I work with focuses on one part of the work related to the store. I have to look for additional services (e.g. UX audit, integration with ERP systems) in other companies or the agency recommends partners with whom it cooperates for other clients.
- (1 point) The e-commerce agency has a limited portfolio of services focusing on a small portion of my needs. This forces me to look elsewhere for additional services.
Does the agency offer you any additional services it provides for e-commerce?
- (5 points) The e-commerce agency comes up with proposals to perform additional services for my business.
- (3 points) The e-commerce agency does not offer additional services on its own, but when needed, it is able to do so.
- (1 point) The e-commerce agency does not perform any additional services, even when I or other clients need it.
Does the agency have a permanent team of experts assigned to your store?
- (5 points) Yes, the team assigned to my store by an e-commerce agency is stable, sometimes there are slight changes in members.
- (3 points) The team changes quite often, but all new members are properly introduced by the Project Manager.
- (1 point) The staff turnover is very high. Often both developers and Project Managers change, which results in downtime or extended duration of tasks.
Does the agency test the solutions it prepares for your store?
- (5 points) Yes, the agency has a dedicated QA department that does at least two series of tests on the test server and performs them after the update is uploaded to the store.
- (3 points) The agency doesn’t have a dedicated QA department, the developers working on my store test the solutions they create themselves.
- (1 point) I don’t know if the agency is conducting any testing.
Has the agency created a dedicated test server for your store where you can test new store features on your own?
- (5 points) Yes, I have access to the current test server and I am actively involved in testing new features.
- (3 points) Only the agency has access to the test server. I report bugs to them only after the update on the store.
- (1 point) The agency has not created a test server and implements the changes immediately in the store.
How many points did you get?
Count the points for the answers you selected. If their total is:
- 60 – 65: The e-commerce agency you work with is a good, proven partner with whom you will achieve a lot. Hold on to it and work on further fruitful cooperation.
- 50 – 59: Cooperation with an e-commerce agency may not always go as planned, but minor deficiencies can be corrected. We provide some advice on this topic in the article: E-commerce agency – how to talk to achieve goals together?.
- 40 – 49: Your cooperation with an e-commerce agency probably doesn’t look great. There are a lot of elements to improve and it is worth talking about. If the agency does not implement any solutions to improve cooperation, you should consider changing your technology partner. Read about how to do it right here.
- below 40: The e-commerce agency you work with is the complete opposite of professionalism. It is probably committing at least one of the key “deadly sins” that provide an excuse to end the cooperation. If you want your store to run smoothly and develop, it’s best to start working with someone else. And as soon as possible!
Are you looking for an experienced e-commerce agency, that can easily take care of your store? Book a free consultation and see what we can do for you!
Zamów bezpłatną konsultację
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