An online store requires appropriate technical support. Not only to add new features to it, but also to ensure continuity of sales and speed of reaction to random events. For this purpose, it is extremely important to establish cooperation with an appropriate technological partner. A good e-commerce agency providing services is exactly what you are looking for. But how to find it?
The best e-commerce agency – what does cooperation with an appropriate technology partner give?
Let’s start with another question – do I have to work with an e-commerce agency? Of course you don’t have to. Provided that you employ a team of experts in your store who deal with the necessary modifications on a daily basis and take care of its proper functioning.
Not every business can afford the comfort of having its own IT department. For this reason many online stores use the possibilities of specialized e-commerce agencies providing maintenance services.
What does such cooperation ensure? First of all, the security of the store and the ability to maintain continuity of sales and options for further development through the expansion of functionality.
There are quite a few e-commerce agencies on the Polish market and it is not always clear which one is worth establishing a longer relationship with. For this reason we have prepared a few tips that you should remember when looking for a technological partner responsible for the stable operation of your store.
The best e-commerce agency-selection criteria
Number of employees
You may think that if you don’t want to hire a team of experts, it is worth to entrust the technical support of your store to one person, e.g. a freelancer. This is a solution, although it has a lot of negatives.
One of the biggest is the issue of accessibility. Such a specialist may actually be an “e-commerce god”, under whose severe eyes even critical errors in the store escape, but basically… He works on his own. And that means that a vacation, illness or order from another customer may cause that you will not get the respond to your request in a reasonable, acceptable time.
Therefore, the first criterion when choosing a good e-commerce agency should be its size. Ideally, it should have at least a few experts who can take care of your store at any time. Regardless of internal sick leave or vacation plans.
Well-known technologies
When it comes to specialists, the second element determining the right choice of a technological partner is the technological scope in which it operates. Today, the e-commerce industry uses several different sales platforms, therefore, when choosing an agency, you should choose a company that has experience in a specific field. For example: if you have a store on the Magento platform, focus on looking for an agency that specializes in this technology.
How do you know that an e-commerce agency is a professional in a particular field? For example, by the certificates you have. In the case of Magento, these include
- Magento 2 Proffessional Front End Developer,
- Magento 2 Associate Developer,
- Magento 2 Proffessional Developer.
These certificates show that a given agency employs people with very detailed knowledge about Magento, which allows them to operate efficiently in the area of online stores based on this platform.
Acquired knowledge
A good e-commerce agency likes to share its knowledge. Employing well-trained experts it has a powerful substantive support for the creation of articles, vlogs and other materials dedicated to e-Commerce managers and owners of online stores.
If you browse the websites of different agencies in terms of cooperation, check which of them provide visitors with free educational content on the development of online sales and technical issues of store operation.
Projects in similar industries
Another criterion worth paying attention to when choosing a good e-commerce agency is its experience in your industry. In order to do so, it is worth going through the list of clients, case studies, and references to see the result so far.
Such information can say a lot about the effects of cooperation and give you a picture of potential cooperation. Especially when the agency’s portfolio includes important clients in the industry.
Projects in other industries
The agency’s experience in other industries is also extremely valuable. Especially for e-Commerce Managers focused on experimental activities. It may turn out that some solutions successfully applied in other stores, will also work well for you. Even though you have a completely different product offer.
A good e-commerce agency does not limit itself to one part of the market, but tries to solve the problems of its customers as widely as possible, adapting the knowledge gained during such cooperation in subsequent projects.
Comprehensive services
What does a good e-commerce agency do? Practically everything that is related to Internet sales. From building stores, through their technical support, to marketing consulting, UX audit, security and other components of e-sales success. Therefore, when considering various options you should take a closer look at the offer of selected agencies.
A good e-commerce agency is not only able to take care of technical issues, but also to help develop sales in your store in other fields.
How to report problems
A very important element of cooperation with a good e-commerce agency is the way in which it enables reporting of failures. A good technology partner provides customers with a special tool through which they are able to inform about problems with operation by setting up a ticket via e-mail or telephone, where they are connected to the consultant on duty.
The agency that uses such a solution significantly simplifies the whole process of maintenance. Moreover, a dedicated helpdesk tool will keep you informed about the status of all your requests. It will also make it easier to contact the agency in case any questions arise.
Quality Assurance Department
Why did we specify the number of employees as the first criterion for choosing an agency? Because only a good e-commerce agency is able to provide Quality Assurance within its structures. Its members will be able to check all the corrections submitted by you on an ongoing basis. This ensures that the risk of errors occurring after the final update of the store is significantly minimized.
The best e-commerce agency – how to get one?
Choosing the right e-commerce agency is crucial for the stability of sales. Interruptions in operation, errors that make it impossible to complete the transaction, or bad display of product cards. All of this makes customers leave their money to their competitors.
Technical support provided by the agency is able to effectively protect against such events. We hope that by using the above mentioned guidelines you will choose from among the companies available on the market such a technological partner with whom you will be able to build a stronger and stronger position on the market.
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