There are plenty of ways to improve conversion rate of an online store. One of the most popular is adjusting the website to user preferences. How to do it and how a UX audit helps to achieve this goal? you will find the answer below. Enjoy reading!
What is a UX audit? Why do I need it?
Let’s start from the beginning – what is an UX audit? It’s a comprehensive website analysis focusing on the adjustment to user preferences. UX (User eXperience) is a set of features which a website should have so that it would be user-friendly for its visitors. This include i.e. website transparency, emphasizing the links, access to all necessary information from every subpage or (in the case of online stores) – making placing an order easy.
There is a wealth of different elements that influence a good UX. Neglecting them in the online store is associated with a low conversion rate. It means that, for example:
- the user doesn’t find products in the store (e.g. due to the fact that product categories are inconsistent),
- the ordering process is too long and too complicated,
- chaos on the website makes it difficult for the user to find information about the product they are looking for,
- the user is unable to find terms and conditions, return policy or contact information.
The above reasons (as well as hundreds of others that cannot be mentioned in a single article) require you to take decisive actions related to adapting the functionality and appearance of your store to UX standards.
Here a UX audit can help, which every good e-commerce agency has in its offer. Conducted by User Experience experts, it allows to detect elements that need improvement. This, in turn, may cause that the conversion in your online store will be even higher.
What gives a UX audit?
A well-conducted UX audit provides:
- a through analysis indicating strengths and weaknesses of your online store,
- a list of errors appearing in the store on particular subpages,
- a list of activities needed to correct the above errors,
- tips to better align your site with UX requirements.
Creating an online store in accordance with UX requirements provides not only a higher conversion rate. It also increases customer loyalty and enhances the credibility of your e-commerce brand. Remember that an aesthetic, user-friendly store gives potential customers the impression that it is run in a professional manner.
And, let’s be honest – everyone prefers to buy from professionals.
Element of UX audit in an online store
UX audit conducted by an external company will allow to see your online store with fresh eyes, subjectively. The result of the audit will be a comprehensive report indicating which elements of the store should be improved as well as guidelines on how to do it best.
What elements are taken into account when performing an audit of an online store? These include:
Fixed template elements
Audit concerns i.e. such areas like headline and page footer. An e-commerce agency will check whether the template of your online store meets aesthetic and functional standards. Does the headline include all the necessary elements (e.g. contact information, links to social media, clickable store logo)? Does the footer lead to all the information clients need (e.g. terms and conditions, return policy, payment and delivery)?
Buying process
A UX audit also includes a thorough overview of the shopping process.
Is the shopping cart visible enough? Is it possible to make changes to the order from its level? What are the further steps in ordering process Isn’t the number of steps separating the client from purchasing too high? Does the client receive all the necessary information while placing an order? Or maybe the store requires too much data from him to fulfill the order?
A very important part of UX audit is the analysis of payment system in the store. The experts from an e-commerce agency will check how it was implemented, whether it displays any errors and whether the process is fully understood by the customer.
Product listing
As a part of product listing analysis i.e. aesthetic of the website, access to pagination, filters, proper photo and product name display are taken into account. To extend this part of e-shop an agency can offer e.g. inserting an “Add to cart” button directly from the listing, options to compare different models, or the ability to run a quick preview of the selected product specifying its most important features.
Product page
A large part of the audit is also devoted to the product page. In this case, particular attention is paid to the arrangement of individual elements within the page. We’re talking about the quality and size of photos, access to key product information and the length of descriptions. It is equally important to examine the ease of placing an order, including the visibility of the “Add to cart” button, product availability and estimated order processing time.
Subpage with information
Such elements as terms and conditions, privacy policy or information about returns and complaints must be easily accessible and clearly written. Therefore, as part of the audit, subpages with information are also checked for their aesthetics and the presence of all required information.
Link building
Customers navigate through your store using links. As such, part of the UX audit focuses specifically on linking. This includes checking that the links on your pages are properly labeled and cannot be confused with other elements.
A properly created category tree makes it easier for users to navigate your site and quickly find the products they are looking for. Having knowledge of UX, an e-commerce agency as part of an audit checks the correctness of the category and recommends making any changes. This includes an inappropriate name or visibility of a category that doesn’t have any products.
Navigation Menu
Along with the category audit, the navigation menu is also analyzed. In this way, in the report that finishes the UX audit, you receive information that is worth implementing in this part of the site to make it as clear as possible and quickly lead your customers to their destination.
What’s after UX audit?
Performing a UX audit is just the beginning of your journey to higher conversion rates. After the audit is completed, you receive an extensive report containing the errors found, as well as tips on how to solve them. The next step is to have the e-commerce agency you work with implement all the changes specified in the report.
Are you looking for an e-commerce agency that will conduct a UX audit for you and implement its recommendations? Please, feel free to get a free consultation, during which we will show you how to improve the conversion rate in your store.
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