The large number of products available in your store is definitely something to be proud of. However, a wide range of products often means problems with managing product information. This is a sign that it is time to implement a PIM system in your store.
What is a PIM system and what it does?
PIM (Product Information Management) is a special type of software which aims at managing all product information. From photos, descriptions to attributes and technical data. One of the most popular solutions of this type is Pimcore which we implement. This system, thanks to its high flexibility, can be adapted to any online store, regardiless of its assortment.
PIM is another (after ERP and CRM) system that can be connected with online store. And here comes the question: what possibilities does it offer and when is it worth investing in its launch? Let’s start with the answer to the second part of the question.
When is it worth implementing PIM in an online store?
PIM gains its functionality when your e-commerce business meets any of the following conditions:
- you have a wide range of products and you store information about each product in many different files (such as spreadsheets),
- you use many sources of product information (e.g., information pulled directly from various suppliers’ systems) and you want to have access to all data from one tool,
- you have several different sales channels and editing product information in each of them takes far too much time.
One of the basic e-commerce laws says that it is the photo that sells best in the Internet. Yes, there’s a lot of truth in it, but the store that has both photos and complete product information will always win the fight for new customers.
Therefore, if you want to build your store brand as an expert in the industry in which you operate, with a large product offer you should consider implementing a PIM system. Below you will find some of its advantages which, I hope, will help you make the final decision.
Advantages of a PIM system
Remember the question asked at the beginning of this entry? Now it’ s time to answer the first part of it, i.e. to describe the advantages of implementing the PIM system. What changes its launch in an online store? Here are a few possibilities:
- you manage your offer across sales channels more easily: you quickly catalog your products and assign to specific channels, you also choose the information you want to present in each location,
- you get all product information in one place: editing any information in the PIM system updates it in each of the product’s sales channels, significantly saving time,
- you control product information more easily: you can quickly add technical data, translations into other languages and check which products have incomplete descriptions,
- you will integrate product information from other systems: the PIM system will collect data from the ERP system, supplier databases, and product information files,
With a large product base, the PIM system is extremely helpful in managing content appearing both in the store and other sales channels. On the one hand, it saves the time devoted to operating a store, previously spent on updating content. On the other hand, it makes the complete product data on your website much more attractive for potential customers to place an order with you.
Looking for a professional e-commerce agency to implement PIM system for you? Get a free consultation and let us show you how we can improve your business.
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